Understanding and Treating Personality Disorders Course Logo

Understanding and Treating Personality Disorders

Green Clock Hours: 1.75

Personality disorders involve a unique mix of thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors that impact how people interact with others and the world around them. About 9% of the U.S. adult population and 6% of the world’s population meets the criteria for a personality disorder (Cleveland Clinic, 2022). For providers, personality disorders are particularly difficult to treat given the significant impact these disorders can have on a client’s life. For the client, it can be hard to separate how they interact with the world from the symptoms of their disorder. Understanding the unique symptoms of personality disorders gives providers more confidence in developing an effective treatment plan.

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Course Description

Personality disorders involve a unique mix of thoughts, attitudes, and behaviors that impact how people interact with others and the world around them. About 9% of the U.S. adult population and 6% of the world’s population meets the criteria for a personality disorder (Cleveland Clinic, 2022). For providers, personality disorders are particularly difficult to treat given the significant impact these disorders can have on a client’s life. For the client, it can be hard to separate how they interact with the world from the symptoms of their disorder. Understanding the unique symptoms of personality disorders gives providers more confidence in developing an effective treatment plan.

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