Symptoms, Etiology, and Recovery-Focused Interventions for Schizophrenia Course Logo

Symptoms, Etiology, and Recovery-Focused Interventions for Schizophrenia

Green Clock Hours: 1.25

As researchers reveal new insights about schizophrenia and new treatments are developed, the prevailing view has shifted to that of recovery. Recovery is a process whereby an individual improves their general wellness and lives life to their fullest potential. This is in stark contrast with the historical view, in which people assumed that someone diagnosed with schizophrenia would be institutionalized, overmedicated, and unable to function in the real world. Thus, offering little hope to those affected by it. Recovery is marked by optimism and hopefulness, rather than emphasizing disability or chronicity of impairment, and is predicated upon access to evidence-based interventions and a range of recovery support services. With the right supports, a person diagnosed with schizophrenia can achieve goals such as living independently, engaging in meaningful or productive activity, and maintaining satisfying relationships.

The goal of this course is to educate social workers, physicians, and nurses in the acute setting about the etiology and challenges associated with schizophrenia, as well as evidence-based interventions for supporting recovery.

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Course Description

As researchers reveal new insights about schizophrenia and new treatments are developed, the prevailing view has shifted to that of recovery. Recovery is a process whereby an individual improves their general wellness and lives life to their fullest potential. This is in stark contrast with the historical view, in which people assumed that someone diagnosed with schizophrenia would be institutionalized, overmedicated, and unable to function in the real world. Thus, offering little hope to those affected by it. Recovery is marked by optimism and hopefulness, rather than emphasizing disability or chronicity of impairment, and is predicated upon access to evidence-based interventions and a range of recovery support services. With the right supports, a person diagnosed with schizophrenia can achieve goals such as living independently, engaging in meaningful or productive activity, and maintaining satisfying relationships.

The goal of this course is to educate social workers, physicians, and nurses in the acute setting about the etiology and challenges associated with schizophrenia, as well as evidence-based interventions for supporting recovery.

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