Supporting People with Dementia and IDD Course Logo

Supporting People with Dementia and IDD

Hours: 0.50
Course Code: REL-IDD-0-RSIDIDD

As people with IDD live longer lives, they are more likely to experience dementia. Many people with IDD are at a higher risk of dementia than the general population. To provide quality supports, you need to know how to recognize early warning signs of dementia. You also need to understand how dementia affects a person's support needs over time.

The goal of this course is to introduce DSPs in IDD settings to dementia-related supports.

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Course Description

As people with IDD live longer lives, they are more likely to experience dementia. Many people with IDD are at a higher risk of dementia than the general population. To provide quality supports, you need to know how to recognize early warning signs of dementia. You also need to understand how dementia affects a person's support needs over time.

The goal of this course is to introduce DSPs in IDD settings to dementia-related supports.

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