Recognizing and Managing Opioid Adverse Effects Course Logo

Recognizing and Managing Opioid Adverse Effects

Hours: 0.75

Opioids are commonly used in advanced disease to manage pain and respiratory symptoms. Most clinicians are familiar with their side effects and standard management however refractory symptoms and introduction of patient-specific factors complicate the average consult.  Following the review of drug-, age- and disease-specific attributes, and through patient case-based application, clinicians will enhance their skills in the management of opioid-induced adverse effects.

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Course Description

Opioids are commonly used in advanced disease to manage pain and respiratory symptoms. Most clinicians are familiar with their side effects and standard management however refractory symptoms and introduction of patient-specific factors complicate the average consult.  Following the review of drug-, age- and disease-specific attributes, and through patient case-based application, clinicians will enhance their skills in the management of opioid-induced adverse effects.

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