Preventing, Identifying, and Responding to Abuse and Neglect Course Logo

Preventing, Identifying, and Responding to Abuse and Neglect

Hours: 1.00
Course Code: REL-BHC-0-PIRAN

This course provides information on child, elder, and dependent adult abuse, as well as intimate partner violence. You will learn about each type of abuse, signs of abuse among these groups, and your reporting responsibilities and procedures. The goal of this course is to provide general staff in health and human services settings with skills for recognizing and responding to abuse and neglect.

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Course Description

This course provides information on child, elder, and dependent adult abuse, as well as intimate partner violence. You will learn about each type of abuse, signs of abuse among these groups, and your reporting responsibilities and procedures. The goal of this course is to provide general staff in health and human services settings with skills for recognizing and responding to abuse and neglect.

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