Overview of Abuse and Neglect of Individuals with IDD Course Logo

Overview of Abuse and Neglect of Individuals with IDD

Hours: 1.00
Course Code: REL-IDD-0-OANIDD

Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, or IDD, are at greater risk of abuse and exploitation. These incidences are often underreported due to advocacy and communication skill limitations. For these reasons, it is important that those working with individuals with IDD know the signs and what to do if they suspect abuse.

The goal of this course is to teach direct support professionals, or DSPs, in IDD settings how to recognize signs of abuse and what to do if they suspect or observe abuse. 

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Course Description

Individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, or IDD, are at greater risk of abuse and exploitation. These incidences are often underreported due to advocacy and communication skill limitations. For these reasons, it is important that those working with individuals with IDD know the signs and what to do if they suspect abuse.

The goal of this course is to teach direct support professionals, or DSPs, in IDD settings how to recognize signs of abuse and what to do if they suspect or observe abuse. 

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