Moderate Sedation Practices Course Logo

Moderate Sedation Practices

Hours: 1.25
Course Code: REL-ACU-0-MSP

Non-anesthesia professionals are becoming increasingly involved in the administration of moderate sedation. This requires specific competencies consistent with state and federal regulations, organizational policies, and the practitioner’s scope of practice, education, and training. 

The goal of the course is to equip RNs in acute care facilities with knowledge of safe moderate sedation practices needed for optimizing patient outcomes.

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Course Description

Non-anesthesia professionals are becoming increasingly involved in the administration of moderate sedation. This requires specific competencies consistent with state and federal regulations, organizational policies, and the practitioner’s scope of practice, education, and training. 

The goal of the course is to equip RNs in acute care facilities with knowledge of safe moderate sedation practices needed for optimizing patient outcomes.

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