Intro to Hospice for the Experienced Clinician Course Logo

Intro to Hospice for the Experienced Clinician

Hours: 1.25
Course Code: REL-ACU-0-IHEXPC

Hospices are frequently finding themselves with experienced clinical staff who are new to hospice. Knowledge of the regulatory system is essential to facilitate compliance and payment. This course discusses a high-level overview of what will be new for clinicians transitioning to the hospice setting as well as the challenges clinicians face when they transition to working in hospice. It also discusses the key differences between curative and hospice care. Without this information, health care professionals may experience a difficult transition to the hospice setting and may lack the necessary knowledge to remain in compliance.

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Course Description

Hospices are frequently finding themselves with experienced clinical staff who are new to hospice. Knowledge of the regulatory system is essential to facilitate compliance and payment. This course discusses a high-level overview of what will be new for clinicians transitioning to the hospice setting as well as the challenges clinicians face when they transition to working in hospice. It also discusses the key differences between curative and hospice care. Without this information, health care professionals may experience a difficult transition to the hospice setting and may lack the necessary knowledge to remain in compliance.

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