Increasing Behavior  - U Course Logo

Increasing Behavior - U

Hours: 1.75
Course Code: REL-ATS-0-VB1-V2U

One of the most important aspects of ABA intervention is increasing behavior. Increasing communication skills, social skills, and other skills are critical to the success of intervention and the independent functioning of learners. This course will address increasing behavior through reinforcement, teaching behaviors and skills, and arranging learning environments for success.  This training program is based on the RBT Task List and is designed to meet the 40-hour training requirement for the RBT credential. This program is offered independent of the BACB. Current Link:

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Course Description

One of the most important aspects of ABA intervention is increasing behavior. Increasing communication skills, social skills, and other skills are critical to the success of intervention and the independent functioning of learners. This course will address increasing behavior through reinforcement, teaching behaviors and skills, and arranging learning environments for success.  This training program is based on the RBT Task List and is designed to meet the 40-hour training requirement for the RBT credential. This program is offered independent of the BACB. Current Link:

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