Hospice Levels of Care: General Inpatient and Continuous Home Care Course Logo

Hospice Levels of Care: General Inpatient and Continuous Home Care

Hours: 1.00

Mitigating payment-related scrutiny of the hospice general inpatient and continuous home care levels of care is dependent upon a hospice’s ability to appropriately initiate these higher levels of care. Hospices should also be able to ensure clinical documentation is sufficient to support payment. This course details when general inpatient and continuous home care are appropriate, the steps to initiate them, and documentation to support payment. The goal of this course is to provide nurses and social workers in hospice and palliative care with knowledge of the higher levels of hospice care.

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Course Description

Mitigating payment-related scrutiny of the hospice general inpatient and continuous home care levels of care is dependent upon a hospice’s ability to appropriately initiate these higher levels of care. Hospices should also be able to ensure clinical documentation is sufficient to support payment. This course details when general inpatient and continuous home care are appropriate, the steps to initiate them, and documentation to support payment. The goal of this course is to provide nurses and social workers in hospice and palliative care with knowledge of the higher levels of hospice care.

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