Helping Children Cope in Crisis Course Logo

Helping Children Cope in Crisis

Hours: 0.50
Course Code: REL-BHC-0-HCCC

In your work with children and their families, you will likely need to support a child who is in a crisis. It is important that you can spot signs of a developing crisis so that you can assist in helpful ways as early as possible. This can prevent a crisis from worsening, which helps to prevent your client and others from harm. In this course, you will learn about the many possible triggers for a crisis situation. You will learn how to spot the signs of a possible crisis. You will also learn ways you can support children and their families to manage or prevent a crisis from worsening.

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Course Description

In your work with children and their families, you will likely need to support a child who is in a crisis. It is important that you can spot signs of a developing crisis so that you can assist in helpful ways as early as possible. This can prevent a crisis from worsening, which helps to prevent your client and others from harm. In this course, you will learn about the many possible triggers for a crisis situation. You will learn how to spot the signs of a possible crisis. You will also learn ways you can support children and their families to manage or prevent a crisis from worsening.

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