Employee Wellness: Smoking Cessation - Breaking the Habit Course Logo

Employee Wellness: Smoking Cessation - Breaking the Habit

Hours: 0.25
Course Code: REL-ALL-0-EWSCBH

Smoking cessation can be hard, but it can be done. Determine your readiness to quit and break the habit of smoking cigarettes. Then make a plan to prepare to quit to improve your chances of quitting smoking successfully. When you make a plan, you prepare yourself as well as you can for the temporary discomfort of nicotine withdrawal. You put tools and ideas in place to get through it and quit for good!

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Course Description

Smoking cessation can be hard, but it can be done. Determine your readiness to quit and break the habit of smoking cigarettes. Then make a plan to prepare to quit to improve your chances of quitting smoking successfully. When you make a plan, you prepare yourself as well as you can for the temporary discomfort of nicotine withdrawal. You put tools and ideas in place to get through it and quit for good!

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