Detecting Prostatitis Course Logo

Detecting Prostatitis

Hours: 0.50
Course Code: REL-ACU-0-DP

Prostatitis is a common genitourinary complaint in men that spans all age groups between adolescence to late adulthood. Simply described, it’s an inflammation of the prostate gland, sometimes with infection present. Symptoms may be absent, mild, or severe and life-threatening. This educational activity helps you distinguish between the various causes, treatments, and care for the condition.

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Course Description

Prostatitis is a common genitourinary complaint in men that spans all age groups between adolescence to late adulthood. Simply described, it’s an inflammation of the prostate gland, sometimes with infection present. Symptoms may be absent, mild, or severe and life-threatening. This educational activity helps you distinguish between the various causes, treatments, and care for the condition.

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