Assistive Devices for Ambulation: Best Practices in Matching Device to Impairment Course Logo

Assistive Devices for Ambulation: Best Practices in Matching Device to Impairment

Hours: 1.00
Course Code: REL-RTS-0-ADSWBF

Healthcare providers often prescribe mobility devices to older adults. Is there any indication, however, that these assistive devices are actually meeting the needs of the patient? Are they promoting efficient and safe mobility? Are there innovations or improvements in devices you should know about? This course reviews updates in mobility device technologies and models best practices to provide patient-centered recommendations for your patients.

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Course Description

Healthcare providers often prescribe mobility devices to older adults. Is there any indication, however, that these assistive devices are actually meeting the needs of the patient? Are they promoting efficient and safe mobility? Are there innovations or improvements in devices you should know about? This course reviews updates in mobility device technologies and models best practices to provide patient-centered recommendations for your patients.

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