Anatomy and Physiology: Integumentary System Course Logo

Anatomy and Physiology: Integumentary System

Hours: 0.50

This course provides an exploration of the structure and function of the integumentary system, which includes the skin, hair, nails, and the sweat and sebaceous glands. You will learn about the layers of the skin, and the characteristics and functions of the skin. You will also learn about the structure and function of the accessory components of the skin, the glands, hair, and nails

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Course Description

This course provides an exploration of the structure and function of the integumentary system, which includes the skin, hair, nails, and the sweat and sebaceous glands. You will learn about the layers of the skin, and the characteristics and functions of the skin. You will also learn about the structure and function of the accessory components of the skin, the glands, hair, and nails

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