An Overview of Travel Nursing Course Logo

An Overview of Travel Nursing

Green Clock Hours: 1.75

Travel nursing first started in the U.S. in the 1970s. It offered a temporary solution for national nursing staff shortages but did not grow in popularity until the 1990s (Abraham et al., 2020). Currently, healthcare facilities have become reliant on travel nurses in response to growing healthcare demands and nursing staff shortages. Making up about 30% of the total nurse workforce in the U.S., travel nurses have varied backgrounds and experiences (Faller et al., 2017). The U.S. travel nursing industry is worth about $17.4 billion (Longyear et al., 2020). Nurses who are interested in travel nursing should take the time to research what is involved to maximize its benefits and minimize its limitations

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Travel nursing first started in the U.S. in the 1970s. It offered a temporary solution for national nursing staff shortages but did not grow in popularity until the 1990s (Abraham et al., 2020). Currently, healthcare facilities have become reliant on travel nurses in response to growing healthcare demands and nursing staff shortages. Making up about 30% of the total nurse workforce in the U.S., travel nurses have varied backgrounds and experiences (Faller et al., 2017). The U.S. travel nursing industry is worth about $17.4 billion (Longyear et al., 2020). Nurses who are interested in travel nursing should take the time to research what is involved to maximize its benefits and minimize its limitations

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