Learning environments are becoming more child-centered. This course will introduce concepts of using active play as a meaningful learning tool for young children. It will help you to develop strategies to intentionally support learning outcomes for young children.
This course is approved by the North Carolina Division of Child Development and Early Education.
Section 1: Introduction
About This Course
Learning Objectives
Section 2: Play Skills
Meet Megan
Play Skills and Communication
Solitary Play
Parallel Play
Associative Play
Cooperative Play
Section 3: Stages and Ages of Learning
Domains of Learning
Physical Development
Language and Literacy Development
Social and Emotional Development
Cognitive Development
Section 4: Strategies and Activities
Reach and Teach Young Children
Parallel Talk
Wait Time
Conversational Turn-Taking
Open-Ended Questions
Adapted Activities
Open-Ended Materials
Encourage Self-Direction
Additional Activities
Model Appropriate Functions
Section 5: Conclusion
Course Summary
Course Contributors
Linda Snead is a licensed speech-language pathologist with national certification. She has worked extensively in both Head Start and Early Head Start instructing teacher on how to use effective communication strategies with young children. She spoke at both state and national conferences topics related to young children.Staff Writer: Kimberly Workman, MA
Ms. Workman is an Instructional Designer at Relias. She has a Master of Arts in Technology and Communication, as well as graduate certificates in Public Health, Epidemiology, and Digital Communications. Ms. Workman has a background in writing and designing online continuing medical education for physicians and other health professionals on multiple educational platforms, including web-based, game-based, and immersive learning environments. She has also used simulation training extensively to connect learning to real-world environments.
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