About Caregiver Conduct Course Logo

About Caregiver Conduct

Hours: 1.00
Course Code: REL-PAC-0-ACGC

Understanding and following the written and general rules of conduct provides caregivers a foundation to build upon. Conduct involves much more than providing quality care. It involves maintaining professional boundaries; reporting abuse, misconduct, and misappropriation; and engaging in ethical and professional behaviors. This course discusses proper employee conduct and professionalism when caring for others. It also discusses how to develop and maintain professional relationships with the individuals you care for.

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Course Description

Understanding and following the written and general rules of conduct provides caregivers a foundation to build upon. Conduct involves much more than providing quality care. It involves maintaining professional boundaries; reporting abuse, misconduct, and misappropriation; and engaging in ethical and professional behaviors. This course discusses proper employee conduct and professionalism when caring for others. It also discusses how to develop and maintain professional relationships with the individuals you care for.

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